When Should I Replace my HVAC System's Air Filter?

Person holds dirty filter

The average person's everyday life is very busy, so sometimes important tasks like changing your HVAC system's air filter can fall by the wayside. However, a clogged and dirty filter can affect both your health and your wallet. Check out these tips below to ensure that you don't miss a filter replacement again.


To avoid complications with your HVAC system, it is best practice to change the more cost-effective fiberglass filters every 30 days. If you have a high-end pleated filter, then you can wait as long as six months, though it is recommended to change them every 90 days.

Leaving your filter in longer than the recommended time will allow for the buildup of dirt, dust, and allergens which will decrease the efficiency of your unit and spread nasty pollutants into your home's air.


1. Filter Looks Dirty or Clogged

The easiest way to see that your filter needs to be replaced is by looking to see if it's dirty or clogged. If you see that your filter is covered in dust, clogged, or looks torn or damaged, then it's time for a new filter.

2. Increased Dust and Dirt Around Vents and Home

If you start noticing your home is dustier than usual, especially around the vents, then it might be time to replace your filter. This happens because particles that are usually filtered are now pushed through the vent and collected on furniture and surfaces in your home.

3. Increase In Electricity Bill

If you find that your energy bill is higher than usual, your filter likely needs to be changed. This is due to the dirt and debris on your filter making it harder for your unit to get the air it needs to heat or cool your home. The more challenging it is for the system to do its job, the more energy it requires, thus causing your bill to up.

4. Heating or Cooling Your Home Takes Longer

It is time to change your filter if you find your unit isn't heating or cooling your home as efficiently as it used to. Dirt and debris can reduce the amount of air your system is able to push into the house. Less air means it will take longer to heat or cool rooms if the system can even reach an adequate level at all.

For your heating and cooling needs Jackson Plumbing, Heating & Cooling has got you covered. Contact us online, or give us a call today: (256) 304-8883 to schedule your appointment.